5 Things to do During Quarantine

The U.S. has been under quarantine for a little over a month at this point with who knows how long to go. Honestly, I’m already so bored. I’ve averaged about three walks a day – which my dogs both love and hate – and I’m already sick of being stuck in the house. If you’re with me on this, here is a list of a 5 things to do during quarantine to keep you occupied until things return to normal.

1. Read

I will admit that I am not an avid reader. I like to read, but I have to be in the mood to do so, and the book has to catch my attention from the start. From my sisters recommendation, I started A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas the other day. While I’m only two chapters in (again, not an avid reader) it seems like it’ll be a good one. I’m going to have a post up later this week or early next week called 5 Books to Read While in Quarantine, if you’re interested in my picks.

2. Take up a new hobby

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

This is one that I’ve been really good about so far during this whole quarantine thing. I’ve started up this blog again (after giving up there for a while) and I’ve also started posting makeup videos on Instagram, something I had been wanting to do for so long. I am having so much fun with both of these things, and I’m hoping to keep it going well after things go back to normal.

3. Get active

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

One good thing that’s come out of this quarantine thing is that I am being more active. I’ll admit, I am not the most active person. The thought of running makes me want to cry, lol. I’ve been taking a lot of walks though, which has been really nice. I do need to try to find new activities I enjoy to keep me active.

4. Start a new TV series

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I’ve been good at this one, haha. I recently started watching Ozark on Netflix a week ago and I’m already finished with season one! It’s a show about a Mexican drug lord and money laundering, and every episode is crazy and something so unexpected happens every time! I definitely recommend it, though it’s not one I would watch with kids around.

5. Clean out your closet

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Surprisingly, I actually go through my closet super often to get rid of things I don’t want. It’s probably because my closet is super small so I don’t have the space to keep things I don’t want, but I could probably still part with a couple items. I really need to move my cold weather clothes to a storage bin to clear out some space. But if you do end up going through your closet and find things you no longer want, try to sell it! There are tons of sites (which you probably already know about) like Poshmark and Thredup, where you can list and sell your clothes as a way to make money!

Alright, well that rounds out my list of the 5 Things to do During Quarantine! I hope you all enjoyed, and are staying safe most importantly! You don’t have to be productive during this time if it’s hard for you. The most important thing is to keep you and your family safe.

Check out my last post on the Sephora Spring Savings Sale here, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest!


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